Sunday, September 1, 2019

Disadvantages of mobile phones Essay

It was the worst morning ever. when Carl woke up ,he realized that he did do his astronomy and chemistry home work .also ,the forecast called for rain and that would affect baseball practice .suddenly ,his mother yelled ,’’take out the garbage right now !’’When Carl returned from taking the garbage outside, he was all wet.’’ What a terrible day,’’he said. He walked up to class .he put his umbrella on the shelf and sat in the third row but the teacher asked why carl‘s umbrella was on the floor he told her not to blame him. But she sent him to the principle out of spite. Next, he took a geography test. Despite studying, Carl didn’t know the answers .he started drawing lightly on his paper Carl drew a huge dinosaur .what if it were real? He saw it in his mind .Carl’s class said he was a genius for having a dinosaur. It could interfere with math class, too! Soon, Carl’s fame speared through school. He thou ght his dinosaur to be very gentle and put it on exhibit. But admission would only be given to those classmates who paid him a fee .his idea was super.’’It’time to turn in your test,’’the teacher said .Carl looked at his paper .as he dreaming in class, he hadn’t finished the test! Our vision Creating an excellent city that provides the essence of success and comfort of sustainable living Our mission Working to plan ,design ,build and manage the municipal infrastructure ,facilities and service through the appropriate investment in our human and other resources maintaining the sustainable development

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